Från taggar till kontexter i Omnifocus 3
By: DeLorean Advokat Digital Business Intelligence
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Från taggar till kontexter i Omnifocus 3
At DeLorean Advokat, we are huge GTD fans. One software application that we use for task management is Omnifocus. It is a rock-solid software solution that is going on its 10th year. The Omnigroup just launched Omnifocus 3, and we are currently testing out its features. One feature that we use a lot is contexts. Contexts are a central GTD term, that can signify where a task could be done. In Omnifocus 3, contexts are gone from Omnifocus and replaced with tags. We we’re looking to find out if there still was a possibility to have ”nested contexts”, i.e. contexts within contexts. We found the answer at the Omnifocus blog:
BB BB: Oh okay. That’s remarkably sensible. Well done. So do we still have nested tags? NN NN asks. Is that still a thing? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of using them? DD DD: It’s still a thing. We think that nested Contexts were a really important feature in OmniFocus 1 and 2, so you could have a ‘people’ top level Context and then have individual people within that top level, and we think the same power applies with tags.
So, we couldn’t be happier with the evolution from context to tags. Still, a context is a context. So Omnifocus are basically just changing the name of contexts. The big change is about having multiple tags/contexts, which is a welcome addition. As always, we are following the advice from Macstories, like their excellent review.
Among other things we are spending the weekend setting up the new Omnifocus 3.